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Phakarin is a leading provider of industry and manufacturing services, catering to a wide range of sectors including factories, manufacturing, engineering, construction, and other related fields. We specialize in offering comprehensive solutions to support the needs of the industry, with a focus on delivering high-quality services that are tailored to our clients' specific requirements. Whether you're in need of expert advice, equipment, or maintenance services, Phakarin is your trusted partner in the industry care field.


Nowadays, methanol is used as raw material in many industries, environment friendly fuel and also in a lot of other industries. Mainly we can name:

Methanol Applicationmethanol

• formaldehyde production for use in MDF and plywood industry
• Melamine resin production for use in range of utensil, inbuilt switches and ranges of industrial glue.
• Acetic acid production for use in VAM and cellulose acetate in textile industry.
• Methyl Metacrylate (PMAA) for use in laminates.
• Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether (MTBE) production as a gas online enhancer
• Producing DME for substituting diesel fuel.
• Mixing with petrol for car engine fuel usage.
• Producing ethylene and propylene as raw material of petrochemical companies.

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Property Specification Analytical Test Methanol
Purity WT % 99.85 Min. IMPCA 001-14
Water W/W % 0.100 Max. ASTM E-1064
Ethanol W/W % 0.0050 Max. IMPCA 001-14
Specific Gravity 20/20, °C 0.7928 Max. ASTM D-4052
Acetone, W/W % 0.0030 Max. IMPCA 001-14
Permanganate Time Test @ 15ºC,Minutes 60 Min. ASTM D-1363
Non Volatile Matter, mg/1000 ml 8 Max. ASTM D-1353
Distillation range @ 760 mm-Hg, °C 1.0 Max. ASTM D-1078
Color Pt- Co, APHA 5 Max. ASTM D-1209
Carbonizable, APHA 30 Max. ASTM E-346
Total Iron, mg/kg 0.10 Max. ASTM E-394
Chloride as Cl, mg/kg 0.5 Max. ASTM D-512
Appearance Clear and Free from Suspended Matter IMPCA 003-98
Acidity as CH 3COOH, W/W % 0.0030 Max. ASTM D-1613
Hydrocarbons Passes Test ASTM D-1722
Sulphur, mg/kg 0.5 Max. ASTM D-5623
Aromatics, UV Test Passes Test IMPCA 004-02

Urea 46%

Urea is an organic compound and nitrogen fertilizers that contain 46% weight of nitrogen. Urea fertilizer can provide farmers with the highest amount of nitrogen at the lowest price.
This fertilizer is produced by ammonia and carbon dioxide reaction. The raw materials required to produce urea fertilizer are supplied from ammonia units.
Urea 46% can be found in two forms of Granular and Prilled.
Phakarin  company can provide both Prilled and Granular Urea 46% .

Urea usagesurea

  • Production of agricultural fertilizers
  • Plastic production industries
  • Production of Formaldehyde Resins
  • Adhesive production
  • Production of Potassium cyanate
  • Production of Urea nitrate
  • Reducer of vehicle exhaust pollutants


Granular Urea 46%

Property Unit Test Method Value
Nitrogen Content Wt% ISO 5315 46 Min
Moisture Wt% ISO 2753 0.5 Max
Biuret Content Wt% ISO 2754 1 Max
Particle Size (2_4 mm) % ISO 8397 90 Min
Urea Formaldehyde (UF) Wt% BS 6806_1 0.55 Max

Urea Prilled 46%

Property Unit Test Method Value
Nitrogen Content Wt% ISO 5315 46 Min
Moisture Wt% ISO 2753 0.3 Max
Biuret Content Wt% ISO 2754 1 Max
Particle Size (1_2.84 mm) % ISO 8397 90 Min
Conditioning Agent Anti-Cake or Formaldehyde Treated

Caustic Soda Flake

Caustic soda, also known as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), is a highly alkaline chemical compound that is commonly used in various industrial processes. It is a white, odourless solid that is highly soluble in water and forms a strong alkaline solution when dissolved.

Applications: Castic soda flake

  • Acid neutralization
  • Manufacturing of soaps and detergents
  • Pulp and paper industry
  • Oil and gas industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Aluminum processing
  • Textile Industry



Item Property Units Test Result Normal Range (Grade A) Test Method
1 Purity as NaOH Wt % 99 98min JlSk 1200
2 Carbonates as Na2C03 Wt % 0.5> 1.0 max JlSk 1200
3 Chlorides NaC1 Wt % 0.02> 0.06 max ASTM E 291
4 Sulfates as Na2S04 Wt % 0.003> 0.01 max ASTM E 291
5 Silicates as Si02 Wt % 0.003> 0.02 max IS 252
6 Matter insoluble in water Wt % 0.03> 0.1 max BSI 6075
7 Irons Fe203 wt-ppm 1.0> 20 max ASTM E 291
8 NaC103 wt-ppm 6.6> 20 max ASTM E 1778

Sodium sulfide

Sodium sulfide, also known as Sodium Sulfur or Disodium Monosulfide is a yellow or brick-colored crystalline substance whose chemical formula is Na2S. This substance has a very pungent smell.


APPLICATIONS:sodium sulfide

  • Surface preparation and plating
  • An additive for lubricating oils
  • Foaming agent in detergent powders
  • Production of veterinary drugs
  • Separator of solids from waste water
  • Bubble trap in glass and crystal furnaces
  • Paper products



Raw Test Item   Result Method
1 Na2S   60 + -2% ISIRI 2074
2 Na2SO3 Less Than 2% wt ISIRI 2074
3 Na2SO3 Less Than 0.5% wt ISIRI 2074
4 Fe Less Than 10 ppm AAS
5 Insoluble Less Than 15 ppm  
6 Density 1600 kg/m³  
7 Melting Point   90 c  
8 Color   yellow  

Sodium Carbonate

m carbonate, also known as washing soda, soda ash and soda crystals, is an inorganic compound with the formula Na 2CO 3. Soda Ash is the 10th most consumed inorganic compound in the world, moreover it exists in two types of light and dense. The size of the grains is different in both types. The main producers in Iran are in Semnan and Maraghe, such as Kaveh soda and sodium carbonate Semnan.



Dense:sodium dense

  • glass manufacturing
  • detergent and paper production
  • water and wastewater treatment


light:sodium light

  • to make fertilizers
  • to remove water hardness
  • PH adjustment in water and sewage
  • reduce re-deposition of dirt in wash cycles


Dense soda ash



Chemical composition Unit Min Max
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) % Wt 98.9 99.2
Sodium chloride (Nacl) % Wt 0.3 0.5
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) % Wt 0.1 0.5
Sodium sulfate (Na2So4) % Wt 0.05
Iron (Fe) ppm 30 50
Loss on Heat % Wt 0.2
Ni ppm 30
Cr ppm 10
Mn ppm 10
Cu ppm 65
Chemical composition Unit Min Max
Total Alkalinity (Na2O) % Wt 57.85 58.42
Pouring density g/cm³ 0.90 1.0





% Wt







This report is according to the average of analyzed samples.

Acceptable limits are according to the ISIRI 614_1.



Light soda ash



Chemical composition Unit Min Max
Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) % Wt 98.9 99.2
Sodium chloride (Nacl) % Wt 0.3 0.5
Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) % Wt 0.1 0.5
Sodium sulfate (Na2So4) % Wt 0.05
Iron (Fe) ppm 30 50
Loss on Heat % Wt 0.2
Ni ppm 30
Cr ppm 10
Mn ppm 10
Cu ppm 65
Chemical composition UNIT MIN MAX
Total Alkalinity (Na2O) %Wt 57.85 58.42
Pouring density g/cm³ 0.45 0.60

This report is according to the average of analyzed samples.

Acceptable limits are according to the ISIRI 614_1.


Sodium sulfate

It is also known as Glauber’s salt and sulfate of soda with the chemical formula Na2SO4. It is a mineral salt of sulfuric acid. All structural forms of sodium sulfate are white solids and dissolve in water. It has 3 types of structure: anhydrous sodium sulfate, sodium sulfate heptahydrate, which is very rare, and sodium sulfate decahydrate, known as Mirabilite mineral or Glauber’s salt. May cause eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation. Hygroscopic (absorbs moisture from the air). The toxicological properties of this material have not been fully investigated.


Applications:sodium sulfate

  • A filler in household detergents and washing powder
  • Production of wood pulp
  • Application in the glass industry
  • Textile production
  • Production of leather and rubber



Sodium sulphate as Na2So4 (PCT) Min 99.7 99 2832 Standard Clause 2_6
Acidity (H2So4) or Alkaline (Na2So4) (PCT) max 0.002 0.01 2832 Standard Clause 3_6
Water insoluble (PCT)Max 0.009 0.1 2832 Standard Clause 4_6
Chloride as Nacl (PCT) 0.26 0.3 2832 Standard Clause 5_6
Iron as Fe (PPM) Max 0.9 50 2832 Standard Clause 6_6
Total Ca++ & Mg++ as Caco3 (PCT) Max 0.9 0.15 2832 Standard Clause 7_6
PH of 5% solution 6.99 5_8 2832 Standard Clause 8_6
Moisture (at 110°c) (PCT) Max 0.04 0.25 2832 Standard Clause 9_6

Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium Bicarbonate, also known as Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate, is odorless and tasteless. It also has a slightly alkaline property. Regarding to its appearance it is a white or crystalline powder. Bicarbonate is a moisture absorbent and has several uses in the pharmaceutical and food industries.



  • In the composition of toothpaste
  • Production of carbonated soft drinks
  • Inhibitor in explosives
  • Production of all kinds of baking powder
  • Mild disinfectant



Row Heavy Metal Specification Result Range Method
1 Fe (mg/kg) 2.82 Max 5 ISIRI 9266
2 As (mg/kg) Less than (0.002) Max 3 ISIRI 16722
ROW Chemical Specification Result Range Method
1 Heavy Metal as lead (mg/kg) Less than 5 Max 5 ISIRI 4270
2 Appearance Confirm Confirm ISIRI 4270
3 solubility Confirm Confirm ISIRI 4270
4 Total alkalinity (m/m%), on dry basis 99.12 Min 98 ISIRI 4270
5 Ammonia Confirm Confirm ISIRI 4270
6 Insoluble substance in water (m/m%) Confirm Confirm ISIRI 4270
7 Moisture(m/m%) 0.216 Max 0.25 ISIRI 4270
8 Ph (solution 5%) 8.2 8.2-8.6 ISIRI 4270
9 Sodium chloride , as chloride (mg/kg) Less than 150 Less than 150 ISIRI 4270
10 Sodium carbonate (m/m%) 1 Max 1 ISIRI 4270

Sodium hypochlorite

Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical substance with the formula NaClo . It comes in two forms of white powder and somehow yellow liquid. The solution form of this substance is available as a bleach under the brand name Javal water.


Applications:Sodium hypochlorite

  • Bleaching agent in textile industry
  • Controlling microbial contamination in industrial Cooling systems
  • Water purification
  • Water anti-moss agent
  • Paper industry
  • Strong fungicide for washing food products




Physical & chemical propertie ISIRI Compliant Range CCPC Product Range Standard Reference
Active chlorine _%w/v * Min 12.5 15_16 ISIRI 2361
Sodium chlorate _%w/w Max 0.7 Max 0.2 ISIRI 2361
Free sodium carbonate as

Na₂CO₃ _%w/v

Max 1 Max 0.8 ISIRI 2361
Density at 20°c _ g/cm³ Min 1.20 Min 1.20 ISIRI 2361
Free alkaline as NaOH _%w/w * Min 0.5 & max 1.2 Min 0.5 & max 1.20 ISIRI 2361 & 8394
Sodium Bromat _ g/kg of Active Cl₂ Max 2.5 Max 2.5 ISIRI 8394
As _ mg/kg of Active Chlorine Max 1 Max 0.5 ISIRI 8394
Cd _ mg/kg of Active Chlorine Max 2.5 Nil ISIRI 8394
Cr _ mg/kg of Active Chlorine Max 2.5 Nil ISIRI 8394
Pb _ mg/kg of Active Chlorine Max 15 Nil ISIRI 8394
Sb _ mg/kg of Active Chlorine Max 20 Max 1 ISIRI 8394
Se _ mg/kg of Active Chlorine Max 20 Max 1 ISIRI 8394
Co _ µg/g Max 0.5 Nil ISIRI 2361
Cu _ µg/g Max 0.5 Nil ISIRI 2361
Fe _ µg/g Max 3 Max 1 ISIRI 2361
Ni _ µg/g Max 0.5 Nil ISIRI 2361
Hg _ µg/g Max 0.1 Max 0.1 ISIRI 2361
Appearance Yellow,clear,free of sediment and suspended particles Uk ISIRI  8394 & 2361

Calcium Hypochlorite

Calcium hypochlorite or par chlorine is commonly known as bleaching powder, and it is a white and dry granular with the chemical formula (Ca(ClO)2). Calcium hypochlorite granules dissolve in water easily and in high temperature is unstable. And it Reacts rapidly with oils and organic materials and is flammable.


Applications:Calcium Hypochlorite

  • sanitization of public swimming pools
  • Disinfection of drinking water
  • Detergents
  • Bleaching paper pulp




Physical & chemical propertie ISIRI compliant range CCPC product range

65-70%             57-63%

Standard reference
Active chlorine _ %w/w Min 65          Min 65            60±3 ISIRI 7098 & 3352
Insoluble in water_ %w/w Max 6 Max 6              max 12 ISIRI 7098
Solubility as active chlorine_ %w/w Min 45.5 Min 50              min 40 ISIRI 7098
Sodium chloride _ %w/w Max 20 Max 10 ISIRI 7098
Amount of water_ %w/w 16 2-8 ISIRI 7098
Residue on 425 Mrometericm sieve_ %w/w Min 75 Min 75 ISIRI 7098 & 3352


Residue on 2 mm sieve_ %w/w Max 20 Max 20 ISIRI 7098 & 3352


Cd -mg/kg of Active chlorine Max 5 Nil ISIRI 7098
Pb -mg/kg of Active chlorine Max 15 Max 8 ISIRI 7098
Ni -mg/kg of  Active chlorine Max 8 Max 8 ISIRI 7098
Ci -mg/kg of  Active chlorine Max 15  Max 12 ISIRI 7098
As -mg/kg of  Active chlorine Max 5 Max 2 ISIRI 7098
Hg -mg/kg of  Active chlorine Max 5 Max 1 ISIRI 7098
Sb -mg/kg of  Active chlorine Max 15 Max 5 ISIRI 7098
Se -mg/kg of  Active chlorine Max 20 Max 5 ISIRI 7098
Fe – %w/w Max 0.5 Max 0.2  ISIRI 3352
Appearance White. Granulated Ok ISIRI 7098 & 3352

Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride, also known as Neutral calcium chloride, Calcium chloride (II), Calcium dichloride and E509, is a white crystalline solid at room tempreture with the chemical formula Cacl2 and it is highly soluble in water besides being odourless . It comes in 2 forms of industrial and edible. It can be created by neutralizing hydrochloric acid with calcium hydroxide.


Applications:Calcium chloride

  • De-icing or dust control on gravel roads
  • pharmaceutical industry/treating burns and poisoning
  • making metal soaps and glycerin
  • water and wastewater treatment
  • drilling oil and petrochemical wells
  • dehumidification
  • paper industry




Physical & chemical propertie ISIRI Compliant Range CCPC Product Range Standard Reference
Purity of calcium chloride (CaCl2)_%w/w (anhydrous) Min 94 Min 94 ISIRI 18193
Total Alkalinity (AS NaCl) _%w/w Relative to active substance CaCl2 Max 6 Max 4 ISIRI 18193
Fluoride (F) _%w/w Max 0.004 Max 0.003 ISIRI 13571
Total magnesium ( as MgCl2)_%w/w Relative to active substance CaCl2 Max  0.5 Max 0.2 ISIRI 18193
 Ca(OH)2 _%W/W Relative to active substance CaCl2 Max 0.2 Max 0.1 ISIRI 18193
Appearance White.Granulated OK ISIRI 13571
Particle size _ 1-4 mm  

Sodium triphosphate

Sodium triphosphate or sodium tripolyphosphate with the chemical formula Na5P3O10 is a mineral compound, that is used in the fields of water hardness equipment, production of detergent products, food preservations. STPP composition is similar to white salt crystals.


Applications:Sodium triphosphate

  • Strong detergent
  • Food additive
  • Oil purification
  • Leather tanning agent
  • Tile production




Chemical properties Unit Specifications/Limits Result Method
P2O5 Content % Min 56 56.33 BS 4427-10
Sodium Tripoly phosphate (Na5p3o10) content Expressed as a % of total phosphate content %  

Min 90




BS 4427-7

Ph Solution 1 % pH 9.2 ~ 10.0 9.21 ASTM
Water Insoluble % Max 0.2 0.02 BS 4427-1
Moisture % Max 0.5 0.03 ASTM
L.O. I % Max 1 0.44 BS 4427-4
Tempreture Rise °C 9-15 8.9 ASTM
Phase (form) I % 5-40 11.8 ASTM
Fe % Max 0.01 0.004 BS 4427-3
Physical properties
Particle Size Distribution BS 4427-5
Through 18 Mesh Sieve % Min 99 100
Through 35 Mesh Sieve % Min 95 96.14
Through 100 Mesh Sieve % Min 70 80.12
Through 230 Mesh Sieve % Max 20 7.09
Bulk Destiny gr/cm³ 0.6 ~ 1.1 0.77 ASTM
Whiteness Level


(DRK103CFull Automatic Colorimeter)

% Min 82 90

Liquid caustic soda

Liquid caustic soda is a chemical substance with the formula NaOH, and its raw material and prerequisite is natural salt. Caustic soda is produced in both solid and liquid forms.


Applications:Liquid caustic soda

  • Production of various types of sodium silicate
  • Pvc production industries
  • Degreasing agent for greasy pipes and surfaces
  • Mineral products
  • Leather manufacturing
  • Manufacturing detergent powders and dishwashing liquids




Typical test Unit Specification Test Method
NaOH Wt% 48.5 min Uhde A59.01.04 /
NaCL Wt.ppm 100 max Uhde A59.02.01 /2/4/5/04
Fe Wt.ppm 3 max Uhde A59.09.01 /
Sp.Gr@15.6˚ c 1.515 min Uhde A59.01.03 /
APPEARANCE clear EDC Test Method 19
NaCIO3 Wt.ppm 50 max Uhde A59.10.02 /